Joni Mitchell anuncia “Archives, Vol. 3: The Asylum Years (1972-1975)”
O novo box set de Joni Mitchell vai estar disponível em duas versões de 5xCD e 4xLP.
Joni Mitchell anunciou o lançamento de um novo box set intitulado “Joni Mitchell Archives, Vol. 3: The Asylum Years (1972-1975)”. O box set, que será lançado a 6 de Outubro via Rhino, sucede a “The Early Years (1963-1967)” e “The Reprise Albums (1968-1971)” e apresenta as configurações de 5xCD e 4xLP. Como teaser Mitchell divulgou uma versão demo de “Help Me”, tema de “Court and Spark” (1974).
“The Asylum Years” refere-se à gravadora que lançou os álbuns de Mitchell no início dos anos 70, mas também faz referência ao retiro da artista para a Sunshine Coast da Colúmbia Britânica, uma deslocação que ela fez devido à frustração com o tratamento que recebeu da imprensa. Embora tenha se aposentado temporariamente das apresentações ao vivo, a mudança não impediu a sua composição: o período de exilio gerou os álbuns clássicos “For the Roses” de 1972, “Court and Spark” de 1974 e “The Hissing of Summer Lawns de 1975”, discos que levaram Mitchell a uma paisagem sonora mais próxima do jazz.
O box set expandido começa com duas faixas de uma sessão de gravação que Mitchell teve com Graham Nash e David Crosby: “Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire” e “For the Roses”. Prossegue com várias demos de cada uma das sessões de gravação dos álbuns citados acima , bem como gravações de concertos ao vivo no Carnegie Hall, Royal Festival Hall, James Bay Benefit Concert, Wembley Stadium e muito mais. Ambas as versões do lançamento também vêm com um livreto de fotos de 40 páginas, bem como uma conversa entre Mitchell e o realizador, jornalista musical e amigo de longa data de Joni, Cameron Crowe, sobre esta fase da sua carreira.
As pré encomendas de “Joni Mitchell Archives, Vol. 3: The Asylum Years (1972-1975)” já estão a decorrer aqui.
Em baixo podes ouvir a demo de “Help Me” e conferir a capa e a tracklist de “Joni Mitchell Archives, Vol. 3: The Asylum Years (1972-1975)”.
Joni Mitchell Archives, Vol. 3: The Asylum Years (1972-1975) Tracklist:
CD One:
Graham Nash David Crosby Session
Wally Heider Studios, Hollywood, CA, Dec. 13, 1971
01. Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire
02. For the Roses
For the Roses Demos
A&M Studios, Hollywood, CA, late 1971 / early 1972
03. Banquet
04. Lesson in Survival
05. Like Veils Said Lorraine
06. See You Sometime
Live at Carnegie Hall
New York City, NY, Feb. 23, 1972
07. This Flight Tonight
08. Electricity
09. Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire
10. Big Yellow Taxi
11. Blue
12. For Free
13. Banquet
14. All I Want
15. Intro to a Case of You
16. A Case of You
17. Intro to Carey
18. Carey
19. Lesson in Survival
20. Woodstock
21. Intro to You Turn Me on I’m a Radio
22. You Turn Me on I’m a Radio
23. Intro to For the Roses
24. For the Roses
CD Two:
Live at Carnegie Hall [cont.]
New York City, NY, Feb. 23, 1972
01. Both Sides Now
02. My Old Man
03. Intro to the Circle Game
04. The Circle Game
For the Roses Early Sessions
Wally Heider Studios, Hollywood, CA, Apr. 16-21, 1972
05. Medley: Bony Moronie/Summertime Blues/You Never Can Tell – with James Taylor
06. Electricity – with James Taylor
07. You Turn Me on I’m a Radio – with Neil Young & The Stray Gators
08. See You Sometime (early version with bass & drums)
09. You Turn Me on I’m a Radio (early version with bass & drums)
Live at Royal Festival Hall
London, England, May 5, 1972
10. Intro to Judgement of the Moon and Stars (Ludwig’s Tune)
11. Judgement of the Moon and Stars (Ludwig’s Tune)
For the Roses Sessions
A&M Studios, Hollywood, CA, Jul-Aug, 1972
12. Blonde in the Bleachers (alternate guitar mix)
13. Let the Wind Carry Me (piano/vocal mix)
14. Barangrill (guitar/vocal mix)
15. Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire (sax guide vocal)
16. Sunrise Raga
17. Twisted (early alternate version)
James Bay Benefit Concert
Paul Sauvé Arena, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Apr. 15, 1973
18. Intro to Big Yellow Taxi
19. Big Yellow Taxi
CD Three:
Court and Spark Demos
A&M Studios, Hollywood, CA, Summer 1973
01. Piano Suite:
Down to You
Court and Spark
Car on a Hill
Down to You
02. People’s Parties
03. Help Me
04. Just Like This Train
05. Raised on Robbery
06. Trouble Child
Wild Tales [Graham Nash] Session
Rudy Records Studios, San Francisco, CA, Aug. 25, 1973
07. Raised on Robbery (early working version)
08. Raised on Robbery – with Neil Young & The Santa Monica Flyers
Court and Spark Sessions
A&M Studios, Hollywood, CA, Sep.-Oct., 1973
09. People’s Parties (early alternate take)
10. Trouble Child (early alternate take)
11. Car on a Hill (early alternate take)
12. Down to You (alternate version)
13. The Same Situation (alt vocal/piano mix)
14. Bonderia
Live at Dorothy Chandler Pavilion
Los Angeles, CA, Mar. 3, 1974
15. Introduction
16. This Flight Tonight – with Tom Scott & The L.A. Express
17. You Turn Me on I’m a Radio – with Tom Scott & The L.A. Express
18. Free Man in Paris – with Tom Scott & The L.A. Express
19. The Same Situation – with Tom Scott & The L.A. Express
20. Just Like This Train – with Tom Scott & The L.A. Express
CD Four:
Live at Dorothy Chandler Pavilion [cont.]
Los Angeles, CA, Mar. 3, 1974
01. Rainy Night House – with Tom Scott & The L.A. Express
02. Woodstock – with Tom Scott & The L.A. Express
03. Cactus Tree
04. Big Yellow Taxi
05. Intro to People’s Parties
06. People’s Parties
07. All I Want
08. A Case of You
09. Intro to For the Roses
10. For the Roses
11. Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire – with Tom Scott
12. Blue
13. For Free – with Tom Scott
14. Trouble Child – with Tom Scott & The L.A. Express
15. Help Me – with Tom Scott & The L.A. Express
16. Car on a Hill – with Tom Scott & The L.A. Express
CD Five:
Live at New Victoria Theatre
London, England, Apr. 22, 1974
01. Intro to Jericho
02. Jericho
Live at Wembley Stadium
London, England, Sep. 14, 1974
03. Woman of Heart and Mind
The Hissing Of Summer Lawns Demos
A&M Studios, Hollywood, CA, 1975
04. In France They Kiss on Main Street
05. Edith and the Kingpin
06. Don’t Interrupt the Sorrow
07. Shades of Scarlet Conquering
08. The Boho Dance
09. Harry’s House
10. Dreamland
The Hissing of Summer Lawns Sessions
A&M Studios, Hollywood, CA, 1975
11. In France They Kiss on Main Street (alternate version)
12. The Jungle Line (guitar/alternate vocal)
13. Edith and the Kingpin (alternate version)
14. Don’t Interrupt the Sorrow (alternate version)
15. Shades of Scarlet Conquering (alternate version)
16. The Boho Dance (alternate version)
17. Dreamland (early alternate band version)
Side One:
Graham Nash David Crosby Session
Wally Heider Studios, Hollywood, CA, Dec. 13, 1971
01. Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire
For the Roses Demos
A&M Studios, Hollywood, CA, late 1971/early 1972
02. Like Veils Said Lorraine
For the Roses Early Sessions
Wally Heider Studios, Hollywood, CA, Apr. 16-21, 1972
03. Medley: Bony Moronie/Summertime Blues/You Never Can Tell – with James Taylor
04. You Turn Me on I’m a Radio – with Neil Young & The Stray Gators
05. See You Sometime (early version with bass & drums)
Side Two:
Live at Carnegie Hall
New York City, NY, Feb. 23, 1972
01. This Flight Tonight
02. Electricity
03. Lesson in Survival
04. Blue
05. Banquet
06. Intro to For the Roses
07. For the Roses
Side Three:
Live at Royal Festival Hall
London, England, May 5, 1972
01. Intro to Judgement of the Moon and Stars (Ludwig’s Tune)
02. Judgement of the Moon and Stars (Ludwig’s Tune)
For the Roses Sessions
A&M Studios, Hollywood, CA, Jul-Aug, 1972
03. Blonde in the Bleachers (alternate guitar mix)
04. Barangrill (guitar/vocal mix)
05. Sunrise Raga [3:41]
06. Twisted (early alternate version)
Side Four:
Court and Spark Demos
A&M Studios, Hollywood, CA, Summer 1973
01. Piano Suite:
Down to You
Court and Spark
Car on a Hill
Down to You
02. Help Me
Side Five:
Tonight’s the Night [Neil Young] Session
S.I.R., Hollywood, CA, Aug. 26, 1973
01. Raised an Robbery – with Neil Young & The Santa Monica Flyers
Court and Spark Sessions
A&M Studios, Hollywood, CA, Sep.-Oct., 1973
02. People’s Parties (early alternate take)
03. Trouble Child (early alternate take)
04. Car on a Hill (early alternate take)
05. Bonderia
Side Six:
Live at Dorothy Chandler Pavilion
Los Angeles, CA, Mar. 3, 1974
01. Introduction
02. Free Man in Paris – with Tom Scott & The L.A. Express
03. The Same Situation – with Tom Scott & The L.A. Express
04. Just Like This Train – with Tom Scott & The L.A. Express
Live at New Victoria Theatre
London, England, Apr. 22, 1974
05. Intro to Jericho
06. Jericho
Live at Wembley Stadium
London, England, Sep. 14, 1974
07. Woman of Heart and Mind
Side Seven:
The Hissing of Summer Lawns Demos
A&M Studios, Hollywood, CA, 1975
01. In France They Kiss on Main Street
02. Edith and the Kingpin
03. Don’t Interrupt the Sorrow
04. Harry’s House
Side Eight:
The Hissing of Summer Lawns Sessions
A&M Studios, Hollywood, CA, 1975
01. The Jungle Line (guitar/alternate vocal)
02. Shades of Scarlet Conquering (alternate version)
03. The Boho Dance (alternate version)
04. Dreamland (early alternate band version)