Conhece a literatura que inspira Annie Clark. Entre as escolhas encontram-se “Just Kids” de Patti Smith ou “The Mysterious Stranger” de Mark Twain.
Annie Clark tem (pelo menos) dois amores, música e literatura. St. Vincent é também ela uma referência literária, era o nome do hospital onde morreu o poeta Dylan Thomas. Através de um artigo publicado no site ficámos a conhecer os 34 livros que Clark mais gosta. Joan Didion, Roland Barthes, Werner Herzog ou Lorrie Moore são alguns dos seus autores favoritos. Confere a lista em baixo.
1. White Girls | Hilton Als
2. Malcolm X At Oxford Union: Radical Politics In A Global Era | Saladin Ambar
3. A Lover’s Discourse | Roland Barthes
4. Mythologies | Roland Barthes
5. The Aleph | Jorge Luis Borges
6. The Night of the Gun | David Carr
7. Between the World and Me | Ta-Nehisi Coates
8. Play It As It Lays | Joan Didion
9. Slouching Towards Bethlehem | Joan Didion
10. The White Album | Joan Didion
11. The Year of Magical Thinking | Joan Didion
12. Bossypants | Tina Fey
13. The Magus | John Fowles
14. Just Kids | Patti Smith
15. The Journals of Spalding Gray | Spalding Gray
16. The Sun Also Rises | Ernest Hemingway
17. How Should A Person Be? | Sheila Heti
18. Animal Love | Werner Herzog
19. The Conquest of the Useless: Reflections from the Making of Fitzcarraldo | Werner Herzog
20. Air Guitar | David Hickey
21. The Mysterious Stranger | Mark Twain
22. The Age of Spiritual Machines | Ray Kurzweil
23. Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk | Legs McNeil & Gillian McCain
24. Bark | Lorrie Moore
25. Birds Of America | Lorrie Moore
26. I Am the New Black | Tracy Morgan
27. The Art of Cruelty: A Reckoning | Maggie Nelson
28. Swann’s Way | Marcel Proust
29. Sex at Dawn | Christopher Ryan
30. The Collected Poems | Dylan Thomas
31. Submission | Michel Houellebecq
32. When Marina Abramovic Dies | James Westcott
33. The Collected Plays | Tennessee Williams
34. Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, And The Prison Of Belief | Lawrence Wright