Mark Lanegan faleceu aos 57 anos no dia 22 de Fevereiro de 2022.
Sem ser revelada a causa de morte, foi através das redes sociais oficiais do músico, que a triste notícia foi revelada, partindo o coração de fãs, amigos e companheiros de profissão.
O mundo da música está luto. As redes sociais encheram-se de homenagens.
I am so profoundly grateful to have had the chance to make music & become friends with Mark Lanegan. Few artists ever achieve the level of honesty & authenticity that he did.
He was absolutely brilliant.
Godspeed my friend. 🖤— Mark Morton 🇺🇸 (@MarkDuaneMorton) February 22, 2022
Mark Lanegan, RIP, deepest respect for you. Your fan,
Iggy Pop— Iggy Pop (@IggyPop) February 22, 2022
Mark Lanegan was a lovely man. He led a wild life that some of us could only dream of. He leaves us with fantastic words and music! Thank god that through all of that he will live forever. RIP Mark. Sleep well. Love Hooky. X
— Peter Hook (@peterhook) February 22, 2022
Terribly saddened to hear the news of the passing of Mark Lanegan. A very gifted artist blessed with honey dipped tones, gone far too soon.
— Garbage (@garbage) February 22, 2022
Rest In Peace, old friend. Truly. More and more the best are no longer with us. @marklanegan
— moby XⓋX (@thelittleidiot) February 22, 2022
So very sad to hear of the passing of Mark Lanegan. #marklanegan #ripmarklanegan @marklanegan
— Todd Dammit Kerns (@todddammitkerns) February 22, 2022
I can't process this. Mark Lanegan will always be etched in my heart – as he surely touched so many with his genuine self, no matter the cost, true to the end. xx jc
— John Cale (@therealjohncale) February 22, 2022
Bye Mark
I’ll miss you
This is truly sad
That voice soothed us all— J Mascis (@jmascis) February 23, 2022
RIP Mark Lanegan
Forever In Our Hearts
November 25, 1964 – February 22, 2022— Jimi Hendrix (@JimiHendrix) February 23, 2022